Balance consulting
We provide professional consulting on valuation of balance sheet items, determination of financial result and presentation in the financial statement.
Price: 230 PLN net/1 hour
The service is priced individually, we adjust it to the client's needs and settle on the basis of the number of hours of our experts' engagement. In order to establish the details of cooperation, please contact us by e-mail: (please write Balance consulting - valuation in the subject line of your e-mail) or by phone at 12 422 42 55.
After receiving your e-mail we will contact you within 48 hours on business days.
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Concerning recognition of atypical non-recurring operations in the books
We advise in the field of accounting - our service consists in indicating how to appropriately recognize in the books unusual, non-recurring operations in accordance with accounting principles and adjusting it to the client's business profile.
Price: 220 PLN net/1 hour
The service is priced individually, adjusted to the client's needs and settled based on the number of hours of our experts' engagement. In order to determine the details of cooperation please send your company's data to the e-mail address: (in the title of the e-mail please write Accounting consultancy - valuation) or contact us by phone at 12 422 42 55.
After receiving your e-mail we will contact you within 48 hours on working days.
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Consulting in building a finance and accounting team
We provide advisory services in the field of accounting - our service consists in developing and changing the chart of accounts after the choice of flat-rate taxation on companies' income (Estonian CIT) and indicating how operations related to the so-called hidden profits can be properly included in the books, taking into account the rules arising from the Accounting Act and the client's business profile.
Price: 250 PLN net/1 hour
The service is priced individually, adjusted to the client's needs and settled based on the number of hours of our experts' engagement. In order to establish the details of cooperation please send your company data to the e-mail address: (in the title of the e-mail please write Accounting consultancy - valuation - Estonian CIT) or contact us by phone at 12 422 42 55.
After receiving your e-mail we will contact you within 48 hours on working days.
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Consulting in building a finance and accounting team
As part of the service, we conduct an analysis of the client's needs for accounting staff and provide any support both in the recruitment process and during the induction of new employees to their duties.
Price: 180 PLN net/1 hour
The service is priced individually, adjusted to the client's needs and settled based on the number of hours of our experts' engagement. In order to determine the details of cooperation please send your company details to the e-mail address: (in the title of the e-mail please write Advising on building a financial and accounting team – valuation) or contact us by phone at 12 422 42 55.
After receiving your e-mail we will contact you within 48 hours on working days.
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Developing a company chart of accounts
We define a company chart of accounts, which is an essential element of the accounting policy. A company chart of accounts includes a list of general ledger accounts, rules of keeping subsidiary ledger accounts and adopted rules for classifying events.
Price from 700 PLN net
The price of developing a company chart of accounts depends on the size of the company, the complexity of business operations and the type of business. In order to obtain a detailed valuation please send your company details to the e-mail address: (in the title of the e-mail please write Developing a company chart of accounts - valuation) or contact us by phone on number 12 422 42 55.
After receiving your e-mail we will contact you within 48 hours on business days.
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Developing an accounting policy
Every company, according to the Accounting Act, should have an accounting policy, i.e. specific rules and practices adopted in a given company. These affect the future view of the company's assets and financial position, as well as its financial performance.
Price from: PLN 1000 net The price of developing the accounting policy depends on the size of the company, the complexity of business operations and the type of business. In order to receive a detailed price estimation please send your company data to the e-mail address: (in the title of the e-mail please write Developing an accounting policy) or contact us by phone on number 12 422 42 55. After receiving your e-mail we will contact you within 48 hours on business days. Get PriceOptimization of financial and accounting processes
Our service consists of advising on the reorganization of accounting departments.
Price: 200 PLN net/1 hour
The service is priced individually, adjusted to the client's needs and settled based on the number of hours of our experts' engagement. In order to determine the details of cooperation please send your company's data to the e-mail address: (in the title of the e-mail please write Optimization of financial and accounting processes - valuation) or contact us by phone at 12 422 42 55.
After receiving your e-mail we will contact you within 48 hours on working days.
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Poradnik video dotyczący raportowania schematów podatkowych – po co zostało wymyślone raportowanie schematów podatkowych i na czym polega
Poradnik ma za zadanie zaznajomić pracowników z tzw. schematami podatkowymi, które zostały wprowadzone do Ordynacji podatkowej w dniu 1.1.2019 r. Dzięki niemu pracownicy dowiedzą się m. in. na czym w ogóle polega obowiązek raportowania, czemu ma służyć, kogo dotyczy oraz jaka jest idea raportowania schematów podatkowych.
Cena: 1000 zł netto
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